We’re back!

We’ve been remiss in posting to our blog for a long time…but that doesn’t mean great things haven’t been happening here at Starr® Custom Homes! In future, we’re not going to let the busy-ness of our work prevent us from using this communication tool. We’re looking forward to (re)connecting with our subscribers and sharing the…

Internet Plan of the Week: Empty-Nester Lakeside Haven Radiates Style, Detail and Drama

We here at Dreambuilder really appreciate home designs that step outside the bland stucco boxes that are so prevalent in homebuilding today.  This completely unique and impressive custom home will definitely hold your attention.  The home carries several themes throughout in both design and decor, and the wide use of a variety of materials, textures,…

Dreambuilder Thirteen begins: a dramatic kitchen renovation

Dreambuilder Custom Homes is pleased to announce the commencement of its latest project, Dreambuilder Thirteen. This project involves swapping the locations of the kitchen and breakfast room, effectively uprooting and relocating the kitchen.  A complete redesign of the space, including new exterior doors and windows, is on its way.  Additionally, the new breakfast room will…