Dreambuilder’s Shawn Starr named to NEFBA board of directors for second year

Dreambuilder Custom Homes’ president, Shawn Starr, has been named to the Northeast Florida Builders Association (NEFBA) board of directors for a second year-long term.  Dreambuilder Custom Homes joined the organization in 2010. “NEFBA continues to be one of the largest and strongest builders’ associations in the country,” said Shawn.  “Throughout the economic downturn, our organization…

Check out these real “hobbit” homes

In celebration of the new film “The Hobbit”, we’re highlighting this collection of ‘hobbit homes’ on this world, courtesy of Houzz.com. Houzz Tour: ‘Hobbit House’ in Pennsylvania Countryside Houzz– Kitchen Remodel, Bathroom Remodel and More » Browse Storage And Organization on Houzz- For Example: Bookcases Cabinets And Computer Armoires · Closet Organizers · Clothes And Shoes Organizers · Clothes…