See our latest progress pictures for Dreambuilder 17

Dreambuilder 17, our oceanfront home for the Kane family, is about a month away from completion.  Visit Dreambuilder’s Facebook page to see progress pictures of this project and all of the beautiful finishes that are now going in the home. Of course, we’ll have complete photography once the home is complete, but you can get…


Average 30-year mortgage rate down to 4.22%

By Marcy Gordon, Associated Press WASHINGTON – Oct. 4, 2013 – Average U.S. rates on fixed mortgages fell for the third straight week to their lowest point in three months, as a decline in consumer confidence and the onset of the government shutdown forced rates down. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday that the average…


What do luxury buyers want in a home?

NEW YORK – Sept. 12, 2013 – Luxury homeowners and buyers place a high value on real estate, according to a new survey of 500 luxury homebuyers conducted by Better Homes and Gardens. According to the survey, 75 percent of luxury homebuyers believe homeownership is a sounder investment than the stock market. What’s more, 57…


3 smart locks that are opening the door to an automated keyless future

Here’s a blog post we came across showcasing some new choices in home automation:  deadbolts that are automated and can connect to your smartphone — meaning you don’t have to get your key out to enter the home. Read more about this new technology here: Dreambuilder Custom Homes always works to stay on top…
