Dreambuilder Four named “Home of the Year” by Jacksonville Magazine

Dreambuilder Four, our 4200 SF custom home on Doctor’s Lake in Orange Park, FL, continues to receive press over a year after the delighted owners moved in.  After being profiled in Jacksonville Magazine last fall, the home was selected as a “Home of the Year” by Jacksonville Magazine and profiled again in their HOME issue ,…


U.S. rate on 30-year mortgage falls to 3.98%

WASHINGTON (AP) – April 6, 2012 – The average U.S. rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage was mostly unchanged this week, as the cost of home buying and refinancing stayed near record lows. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday that the rate on the 30-year loan fell slightly to 3.98 percent from 3.99 percent last…


Dreambuilder recommends Houzz for ideas and inspiration

When we work with a client on a new home or remodeling project, we encourage them to clip out plans, pictures and anything else that captures their eye.  When brought to the table, these clippings become  fuel for our creative fire.  Houzz is a great online tool where you can create ‘virtual clippings’ for the same purpose.…


Dreambuilder president Shawn Starr named to NEFBA and SMC board of directors

Dreambuilder Custom Homes’ president, Shawn Starr, has been named to two industry boards:  the Northeast Florida Builders Association (NEFBA) and the Sales & Marketing Council (SMC).  Dreambuilder joined both organizations in 2010. “NEFBA has been a great resource,” said Shawn.  “Networking with other builders, discussing best practices and keeping up to date with issues affecting our…
