Dreambuilder president Shawn Starr named to NEFBA and SMC board of directors

Dreambuilder Custom Homes’ president, Shawn Starr, has been named to two industry boards:  the Northeast Florida Builders Association (NEFBA) and the Sales & Marketing Council (SMC).  Dreambuilder joined both organizations in 2010. “NEFBA has been a great resource,” said Shawn.  “Networking with other builders, discussing best practices and keeping up to date with issues affecting our…


Dreambuilder’s president Shawn Starr featured in Realty-Builder Connection

Shawn Starr, president of Dreambuilder Custom Homes, was featured in this month’s issue of the Realty-Builder Connection (RBC).  RCB is published monthly for Realtors, builders and associated industries. Shawn was interviewed for a special column on communication and the use of technology to faciliate communicating.  “Dreambuilder is proud to have a strong grasp on technology,”…


Achieving the net-zero energy home through solar power

Dreambuilder came across this interesting article regarding the growing interest in building net-zero energy homes.  Generally, this can only be achieved through the use of whole-house solar power systems.  These systems have been coming down in price but are still quite expensive — so it is important to review a cost/benefit analysis before adding a…


The Invisibly Universal House

Two sisters—a builder and an academic specializing in universal design—have built a gold standard for accessible housing. By:  Claire Easley, BuilderOnline.com View the article and see a slideshow of pictures by clicking here. The industry would be hard pressed to find a duo better suited to the task of creating the poster child for universally…
